Therapy For OCD

Online therapy for residents of Houston & throughout Texas, Michigan, & Florida


Are you feeling overwhelmed by your intrusive thoughts?


Does it feel like the more time you spend trying to get rid of your intrusive thoughts, the worse your anxiety feels? At one point, acting on the compulsive urges you feel brought some relief. But now, you’re losing more and more time to these anxious rituals.

It may feel difficult at times to fulfill your responsibilities because your compulsions - like hand washing or checking behaviors - take up too much time.

You might even notice that your relationships are struggling. Perhaps you worry that your loved ones are frustrated with you for how your intrusive thoughts get in the way of living a “normal” life.

Whatever it is you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of it on every aspect of your life…

  • Seemingly small tasks, like getting dressed or getting ready for bed, can take you minutes if not hours to complete.

  • Your intrusive thoughts feel like a curse - you get ideas and images in your head that can be irritating, upsetting, and even disturbing.

  • It sometimes feels like comfort and relaxation are impossible. You’re exhausting yourself trying to prevent all the bad things you worry about from actually happening.



Therapy for OCD Can help

Treating your OCD might feel impossible now, but you can get relief from your intrusive thoughts.

We can help you.

Therapy for OCD will help you:

  • Learn how to respond to intrusive thoughts without ritualizing.

  • Develop better coping strategies for reducing stress and managing anxious feelings.

  • Gather the tools you need to enjoy your life without constant fear and move forward with a peaceful mind.

We will help you through each step of the therapeutic process by tailoring our treatment to your specific needs and symptoms. We use only evidence based interventions proven to reduce OCD symptoms. And our philosophy for OCD therapy is based on trust and understanding: that we will work together until you are living the safe and peaceful life you crave.



Need to make rapid progress with your OCD symptoms?

We can design an OCD intensive session specifically for you to address the symptoms upsetting you most.


Common OCD Obsessions



Intrusive thoughts around objects, places, & people being contaminated, dirty, or unclean. Often comes with a fear of becoming ill or dying if a contaminated object is touched.


Intrusive thoughts related to purposely or accidentally harming someone else or yourself; or thoughts about harm befalling someone else due to your actions.


Unwanted thoughts or mental images related to acting on an sexual impulse, or harming another person (a stranger, friend, relative, or child) in a sexually aggressive manner.


Excessive fear of making mistakes or needing to perform tasks perfectly. Preoccupied with needing to remember certain information. Concerned about symmetry and evenness.


Intrusive thoughts related to your own relationships with others. Can include fears that a partner is cheating on you, that you don’t really love your partner, and more.


Excessive fears that you will anger God, behave in an immoral manner, or go to hell. Can include concerns about morality or determining between right/wrong.


Common OCD Compulsions



Excessive washing or cleaning of hands, body, or objects. Cleaning is often completed for the purpose of removing contaminants but can also be related to other types of obsessions.


Repeatedly checking to ensure you did or did not complete a task, such as locking the door. Can include checking to make sure nothing bad has happened, or googling for specific information.


Mentally reviewing past events/conversations; praying to prevent harm or bad things from happening; counting or repeating certain words in your head; “undoing” actions in your mind.


Repeating actions such as walking through doorways or tying your shoes. Repeating behaviors such as tapping or blinking. Completing tasks a certain number of times.

Feels Right

Engaging in an action until it feels “just right” or completing new actions until you get the “just right” feeling.

Reassurance Seeking

Asking other people to reassure you about something that makes you anxious such as, “Did I lock the door?” or “Am I a bad person?” This also includes “confessing” your thoughts or behaviors to other people.


OCD Therapy FAQ

  • OCD is an anxiety disorder with two features: obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are the intrusive thoughts, images, or urges that pop into your mind and won’t go away, making you feel anxious. Compulsions, or rituals, are the behaviors you engage in to try and eliminate anxious feelings or prevent a negative consequence from occurring.

  • There is only one proven and effective treatment for OCD and it is exposure with response prevention or ERP. ERP is a process by which you take small steps toward confronting your anxious thoughts without engaging in compulsive behaviors. Your therapist will teach you how to process your anxiety without using compulsions, and over time, this treatment creates new neural pathways in your mind that reduce the frequency and intensity of your OCD symptoms.

  • Yes! OCD can be such a difficult disorder to live with, but it is highly treatable. All cases of OCD can be helped if you work with an OCD specialist.

  • Your first appointment costs $195, and follow-up appointments cost $160. Check out our main FAQ page to learn more about why we are out-of-network providers.

  • You can message us here to arrange a free consultation. This consult takes 15 minutes and is done over the phone with our client coordinator who can answer any questions you have about working with us. After your questions are answered, we can find a session time that works well with your schedule and get you started on the road to your recovery.

You don’t have to live in a constant state of anxiety.

We can help you get there.
